Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday Fun!

It's Saturday!! We are about to go visit our local Farmer's Market and of course take our kids to Home Depot for the Kid's Workshop.  And who know's maybe even the zoo after that!  We are feeling kind of spunky this morning!

We had a good week, but I totally failed at "cooking day" on Wednesday.  We had a busier than usual day so it was hard to make it happen, but ya know, we just have to be ok with minor changes every now and then.  As frustrating as it can be, don't let a coupon mix up or a change of plans discourage you from pressing on in making this frugal living thing work for you!

Despite our schedule, I was able to brown and freeze a couple lbs of ground beef and make a few loaves of french bread to put in the freezer.  I am experimenting with it though.. I let it rise the last time as a loaf and then put it in the freezer uncooked.  I figure if Costco can do it, why can't I?  We'll see how it turns out.  I am planning to attack cooking day this Wednesday so hopefully I can stick to it this time... I'll keep you posted!
Have a great Saturday!!

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