Saturday, October 16, 2010

7 Soups in 7 Days

Wow!  Its been a long time since I have posted.  I miss it so much!  Life is busier now than ever- I am a preschool teacher 4 days a week and clean a house bi-weekly to help pay for our daughters tuition.  We LOVE her school so it is totally worth my time away.  A huge plus is that the girls hardly notice that I am working since I'm at the same preschool as our youngest.  God is good :)

Since my hours at home each day are much less than they used to be, I've had to get creative to stay on top of meals and honestly, as many of you know, cooking after a day at work is sometimes the last thing I want to do.  With a little planning (simply writing my meal ideas out on a calendar), we manage to stay pretty much in our food budget.  I do have to say that eating out here and there has been an amazing break on those needed nights, but I'm really going to try hard before the holidays to save eating out for date nights only.  We'll see how that goes.

In honor of it officially feeling like fall, we are going to attempt 7 soups in 7 days... Shhh don't tell my family.  I'll let it be a surprise, ha.  I'll cook some other things here and there to break up any monotony, but we'll try a different soup each day.  It will be great to have left overs as well for the freezer!

Day #1 (today)- Chinese Chicken Soup (not pictured... that is just a random pic)

This is how I made it today (using up some of the last of my garden ingredients), but it always changes.  Cut up bok choy is good in it, as well as spinach.  Sorry, no measurements.. just throw it all in to taste :)

-Chicken Broth
-Chopped Chicken (I boiled my whole chicken to get the first 2 ingredients)
-Brussel Spouts, chopped
-Swiss Chard, chopped
-Carrots, chopped (just a handful or so... it tends to get sweet if there are too many)
-Thai Hot Peppers... or whatever "heat" you have on hand, optional
-Green Onion, chopped
-Basil leaves (2)
-Soy Sauce, a splash
-Salt/Pepper, to taste

What will tomorrow bring?  Here's a hint: its more from my garden and the main ingredient is roasting in the oven right now! ;)


  1. Cool idea on your soup week! I saw a late night show where Jamie Curtis talked about filing her soups in the freezer in gallon zip lock bags, just like paper files. I think it sounds like a great idea. Just take them out of the ziplock to reheat. I need a bigger freezer to actually do that but cool idea. If you have extra you'd at least have 7 files ;0) Or if you get sick of soup during the week you could file a day away and go back to it later. Julie Robinson

  2. Good morning - glad to see you are back! I like your blog and will definetly try at lease one of the soup recipes....Diane
