Thursday, October 21, 2010

7 Soups in 7 Days- Soup Fail

So I forgot to soak my beans for chili, and when I got home from work yesterday I was at a loss for what to make... EXCEPT for the broth and cut up chicken in my fridge left over from the last few days of soup :)  So I hate to say it but yesterday's "soup" day was a big FAIL, except for the fact that the meal I made had all soup ingredients... it just wasn't runny like soup, ha.  I made chicken pot pie with a biscuit top.  Betty Crocker has a great recipe from scratch HERE- just top it with some homemade biscuits instead of the crust.  Soup and bread, right?  :)

I guess I didn't time things just right because now my husband is out of town for the next few days (lucky him to not have to eat any more soup ;), but me and the girls will just eat leftovers.  Tomato Basil and Hot and Sour will be on tonight's menu!  I plan to soak my beans for chili tonight so we'll have that tomorrow (and a bunch for the freezer too)!

If you have read my blog in the past, you've heard me say this before--- One thing I love about making things like biscuits is that you can make a few "mixes" for the next time you need to make that particular food.  I made up my biscuits and then made 3 extra baggies with the dry ingredients.  If you write on the front with a sharpie, you'll know what you need to add to complete the recipe and what temp to bake them on.  EASY!

Here's to a great night of soup leftovers and keeping cash in my wallet! :)

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